Do you desire to follow the Doctrine of Christ and be baptized as He taught?
If so, you’re in the right place.
The purpose of this site is to connect you with someone who has authority from Jesus Christ to perform the ordinance of baptism. There may be someone in your area who can help you, or there may be someone traveling through your area in the near future. Whatever the situation, we want to help you get baptized. You can place your baptism request here and it will be made available privately to those who can provide baptism.
This baptism does not make you, or require you to become, a member of any organized church or religion, but is only a sign between you and God that you sincerely believe in Jesus Christ, and wish to follow Him.
Your information on this site is kept strictly confidential and private.
This site does not retain information nor does it track baptisms. Its only purpose is to connect people and aid in completing the ordinance. Once the ordinance is completed, data is removed from this directory.
To request baptism, or to provide baptism to others, please create your private account.
Record Your Baptism: Once you have been properly baptized, please visit the Recorder’s Clearinghouse to have your name added to the annual record book. This step allows your baptism to be recorded on earth and in heaven. It does not make you part of any church or organization. The record is kept confidential.
Find a Fellowship: Join with other like-minded people for worship, fellowship, and growth. The Fellowship Locator site will help you locate a fellowship in your area.